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  • Dongfang Special Steel: Building Carbon Emission Management System to Promote Green and Low-Carbon Development

    Industry News

    Dongfang Special Steel: Building Carbon Emission Management System to Promote Green and Low-Carbon Development


    Dongfang Special Steel adheres to a green development strategy, actively promoting green and low-carbon transformation, and has substantially completed the construction of a carbon emission management system based on the guidelines for greenhouse gas emissions accounting and reporting for the steel industry issued by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.

    Promoting green transformation of development modes is a strategic requirement to implement the new development concept, an essential means to achieve high-quality development, and a necessary path towards modernization characterized by harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. In recent years,Dongfang Special Steel has responded to the trend of "dual carbon" by accelerating its pace towards green, low-carbon, and high-quality development, seizing opportunities for carbon peak and carbon neutrality. The company focuses on driving low-carbon development through mechanism innovation, continuously promoting technological innovations in energy conservation, environmental protection, and resource recycling. By persistently reducing carbon emissions per unit of product and integrating carbon reduction into development, Dongfang Special Steelhas garnered broad recognition from the government, society, and customers.

    Dongfang Special Steel implements a carbon reduction strategy through effective management. This involves studying national policy documents, conducting detailed research on the company's actual production status, formulating and publishing the "Greenhouse Gas Emission Monitoring and Accounting Management Measures," strengthening standardized management of measuring instruments and chemical analysis, improving data collection, verification, automated accounting, regular statistics, and professional analysis. The company actively conducts daily carbon emission reports, weekly analysis, monthly summaries, gradually establishing a foundational carbon emission management system.

    By timely recording, detailed accounting, and analyzing carbon emissions data from various production processes, the company can clearly grasp carbon emission trends for each process, promptly identify abnormal changes in production consumption and energy indicators, and quickly implement improvement measures to promote lean consumption reduction. Moreover, by conducting chemical analysis and carbon emission calculations for different materials, the company further incorporates carbon costs into statistical accounting, optimizing the production cost structure ofDongfang Special Steel.

    Technological innovation is the core driving force behind promoting green and low-carbon transformation. Transferring and converting achievements in green and low-carbon technology is crucial for accelerating this transformation. Dongfang Special Steel regards energy conservation and carbon reduction as the basis for achieving dual carbon goals, implements multiple measures to improve energy efficiency, optimize energy structure, and reduce carbon emissions. Simultaneously, it strengthens the mechanism for transforming "carbon technologies," solidifying technological innovation as a support for low-carbon transformation. The company explores new mechanisms, models, and pathways for transferring and converting technological achievements in the field of green and low-carbon, promoting the development of green and low-carbon transformation.

    Next, Dongfang Special Steel will focus on implementing the carbon emission management system as a critical initiative, continuously advancing efforts related to production efficiency improvement, cost optimization, waste reduction, precise measurement, and standardized chemical analysis. These efforts aim to support lean production, create efficiency, and facilitate green and low-carbon transformation within the enterprise.

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